ECMWF ISLSCP-II near-surface dataset from ERA-40
This report summarizes the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts) near-surface data set for the second International Land-Surface Climatology Project (ISLSCP-II), which has been extracted for the years 1986-95 from the ECMWF ‘40-year’ re-analysis (ERA-40, 1958-2002; Simmons and Gibson, 2000), which was extended to span 45 years: Sept. 1957- August, 2002. We discuss the components of the dataset, and show some comparisons with other ISLSCP datasets.
A full set of these anomaly fields for all four seasons is available for ERA40 at
Download the document ERA40-PRS8.pdf directly from ECMWF at
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Betts, A.K., and A.C.M. Beljaars, (2003): ECMWF ISLSCP-II near-surface dataset from ERA-40. ERA-40 Project report series No. 8 from ECMWF, Reading RG2 9AX, UK.