Convection in the Tropics.
A review of GATE and convection in the tropics: what was learnt from the field programs of BOMEX and GATE. Published as a Book supplement to the Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc.
The convective organization and budgets for one day during GATE (2 September 1074) are first discussed. A series of models for tropical squall line structure, downdraft thermodynamics, the budget analysis method, trade cumulus, stratocumulus and subcloud layer convection are in turn presented. Tephigram representations are used to represent thermodynamic properties and show similarities and differences.
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Betts, A.K., 1978: Convection in the Tropics. RS/RMS/AMS/DMG Conf. on 'Meteorology over the Tropical Oceans". Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc. Supplement, 105-132. Edited by D.B. Shaw, published by the Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 104 Oxford Road, Reading RG1 7LL, UK.