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Newspaper articles and opinion pieces

Columns and feature articles written for the Sunday Rutland Herald and Barre-Montpelier Times-Argus in Vermont (and since 2016 the Green Energy Times, which may be edited versions of Herald articles).

For each year, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and now 2022 and 2023 there is an compilation of my "Planet" newspaper columns on the right.

Environmental Journalism Revisited outlines the history, philosophy and vision of the Sunday Environment page; and gives an overview of the published content during the first four years.

This letter from the 1927 flood in Vermont was published in the Herald in memory of the Irene flood.

Since 2016, edited versions of my newspaper articles and recently many new articles have been published in the Green Energy Times (see annual collections to right)

2022-10-01Mother Nature reads your mind - The new Climate System
Rutland Herald and Barre-Montpelier Times-Argus
2021-08-07Spreading the Truth
Rutland Herald and Barre-Montpelier Times-Argus
2015-08-16Caring for our common home
Rutland Herald & Barre-Montpelier Times-Argus
2015-06-21Reality and fantasy diverge
Rutland Herald & Barre-Montpelier Times-Argus
2015-05-03Late spring after extreme winter
Rutland Herald & Barre-Montpelier Times-Argus
2014-06-05Vermont among States warming the most
Seth Borenstein (Associated Press and Rutland Herald)
2013-04-14Climate change brings many surprises
Rutland Herald & Barre-Montpelier Times-Argus
2013-02-24Accelerating climate change brings more extreme weather
Rutland Herald
2013-01-06The price we pay for ignoring climate change
Rutland Herald & Barre-Montpelier Times-Argus
2012-11-25Water plays key role in weather and our lives
Rutland Herald & Barre-Montpelier Times-Argus
2012-11-11Extreme weather and climate change
Rutland Herald & Barre-Montpelier Times-Argus
2011-10-23Understanding and dealing with a changing world
Rutland Herald
2011-09-11Vulnerability and resilience after tropical storm Irene
Rutland Herald and Barre-Montpelier Times-Argus
2011-09-04The second flood of 2011
Rutland Herald & Barre-Montpelier Times-Argus
2011-07-31Our children’s future is a changing natural world
Rutland Herald and Barre-Montpelier Times-Argus
2011-06-19Floods and more floods get our attention
Rutland Herald and Barre-Montpelier Times-Argus
2010-11-21What to do with all this rain!
Rutland Herald & Barre-Montpelier Times-Argus
2010-03-07Winter waste management
Rutland Herald
2008-07-06Water can’t be separated from life
Rutland Herald

Yearly Collections of my newspaper articles

These collections of articles blend science and opinion with a systems perspective as they go through the seasons, dealing with weather, climate, energy and policy issues. They encourage the reader to explore alternative and hopeful paths for themselves, their families and society. I have written them so that a scientist will perceive them as accurate (although simplified); while the public can relate their tangible experience of the weather to the much broader issues of climate and climate change. As political attacks on climate science have increased in recent years, I have expanded my social and political commentary, since earth scientists share responsibility for the future of the Earth!

Here is a citable reference list for the Climate, Energy and Community, 'Planet' series with DOIs till 2017; continuing through 2023. My Green Energy Times annual collections run from 2016 to present.