Research Papers and Talks by Dr. Alan K. Betts
Reverse chronological order. First paper is brief overview.
Papers published by the American Meteorological Society are subject to AMS copyright. View published open abstracts at Copyrighted papers may not be reproduced without explicit permission from the publisher.
My Orcid #
Research datasets for download - completed:
VIMHEX 1972 data ; FIFE surface DATA
ERA-40 Monthly river basin DATA: 1958-1978; 1979-2002
LBA 1999 Rondonia pasture data archive
- 2020's
Betts, A. K. (2023). A brief overview of my research by decade. 2000's
Betts, A. K., (2004): Review of A Soil-Vegetation Atmosphere Transfer Schemes and Large-Scale Hydrological Models, vol. 270 - A.J. Dolman, A.J. Hall, M.L. Kavvas, T. Oki, J.W. Pomeroy (Eds.), IAHS Press.@ Agric. Forest Meteorol., 126, p.183, doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2004.05.005.
Bechtold, P., J.-P. Chaboureau, A. Beljaars, A. K. Betts , M. Miller, M. Köhler, M. Miller and J.-L. Redelsperger, (2004): The simulation of the diurnal cycle of convective precipitation over land in a global model. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 130, 3119-3137.
Betts, A. K., B. Helliker and J. Berry, (2004), Coupling between CO2, water vapor, temperature and radon and their fluxes in an idealized equilibrium boundary layer over land. J. Geophys. Res., 109, D18103, doi:10.1029/2003JD004420.
Betts, A. K. and C. Jakob, (2002), Study of diurnal cycle of convective precipitation over Amazonia using a single column model. J. Geophys. Res., 107, 4732, doi:10.1029/2002JD002264.
Betts, A. K. and C. Jakob, (2002), Evaluation of the diurnal cycle of precipitation, surface thermodynamics and surface fluxes in the ECMWF model using LBA data. J. Geophys. Res., 107, 8045, doi:10.1029/2001JD000427
Betts, A. K., P. Viterbo, A.C.M. Beljaars and B.J.J.M. van den Hurk, (2001): Impact of BOREAS on the ECMWF Forecast Model. J. Geophys. Res., 106, 33593-33604.
Van den Hurk, B.J.J.M., P. Viterbo, A.C.M. Beljaars and A. K. Betts, 2000: Offline validation of the ERA40 surface scheme. ECMWF Tech Memo, 295, 43 pp., Eur. Cent. For Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Shinfield Park, Reading RG2 9AX, England,UK.
- 1990's
Herring, D., (1999), Should we talk about the weather? Improving global forecasts with BOREAS research. NASA Earth Observatory Feature Article, Boreal ecosystem series, 3.
(Plain English review of Alan Betts research)
Viterbo, P. and A.K. Betts, 1999: The impact on ECMWF forecasts of changes to the albedo of the boreal forests in the presence of snow. J. Geophys. Res., 104, 27803-27810.
Betts, A.K., P. Viterbo, A.C.M. Beljaars and B. Van den Hurk, 1999: Use of field data to diagnose land-surface interaction. Proc. ECMWF Semina on Diagnosis of Models and Data Assimilation systems. Sept. 6-10, 1999, Reading, United Kingdom, 347-364.
Betts, A. K., 1998: Evaluating the land-surface component of NWP models using field experiment data, specifically BOREAS. ECMWF/WCRP/GEWEX Workshop, 29 June - 2 July 1998.
Betts A. K., P. Viterbo and A.C.M. Beljaars, 1998: Comparison of the land-surface interaction in the ECMWF reanalysis model with the 1987 FIFE data. Mon. Wea. Rev., 126, 186-198.
Sellers, P.J., R.E. Dickinson, D.A. Randall, A.K. Betts, F.G. Hall, J.A. Berry, C.J. Collatz, A.S. Denning, H.A. Mooney, C.A. Nobre, and N. Sato, 1997: Modeling the exchanges of energy, water and carbon between the continents and the atmosphere. Science, 275, 502-509.
Betts, A.K., 1997: Trade Cumulus: Observations and Modeling. Chapter 4 (pp 99-126) in The Physics and Parameterization of Moist Atmospheric Convection, Ed. R. K. Smith, NATO ASI Series C: Vol. 505, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 498pp.
Betts, A.K.: 1997, The Parameterization of deep convection, Chapter 10 (pp 255-279) in The Physics and Parameterization of Moist Atmospheric Convection, Ed. R. K. Smith, NATO ASI Series C: Vol. 505, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 498pp.
Betts, A. K., 1996: The parameterization of deep convection: a review. ECMWF Workshop on “New insights and approaches to convective parameterization”, 4-7 Nov., 1996, Reading, U.K., pp 166-188.
Betts, A.K. and A.G. Barr, 1996: FIFE 1987 Sonde Budget revisited. J. Geophys. Res. 101, 23285-23288.
Betts, A.K., S-Y. Hong and H-L. Pan, 1996: Comparison of NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis with 1987 FIFE data. Mon. Wea.Rev., 124, 1480-1498.
Chen,F.,K. Mitchell, J. Schaake, Y. Xue, H-L. Pan, V. Koren, Q. Duan, and A. Betts, 1996: Modeling of land-surface evaporation by four schemes and comparison with FIFE observations. J. Geophys. Res., 101, 7251-7268.
Betts, A. K., J.H. Ball, A.C.M. Beljaars, M.J. Miller and P. Viterbo, 1996: The land-surface-atmosphere interaction: a review based on observational and global modeling perspectives. J. Geophys. Res. 101, 7209-7225.
Beljaars, A.C.M., P. Viterbo, M.J. Miller and A.K. Betts, 1996: The anomalous rainfall over the United States during July 1993: sensitivity to land surface parameterization and soil moisture anomalies. Mon. Wea. Rev., 124, 362-383.
Bretherton, C., E. Klinker, A.K. Betts, and J.A. Coakley, 1995: Comparison of ceilometer, satellite and synoptic measurements of boundary layer cloudiness and the ECMWF diagnostic cloud parameterization scheme during ASTEX. J. Atmos. Sci., 52, 2736-2751.
Betts A.K., Bretherton, C., and E. Klinker, 1995: Relation between mean boundary layer structure and cloudiness at the R/V Valdivia during ASTEX. J. Atmos. Sci., 52, 2752-2762.
Emanuel, K., D. Raymond, A. Betts, L. Bosart, C. Bretherton, K. Droegemeier, B. Farrell, J.M. Fritsch, R. Houze, M. LeMone, D. Lilly, R. Rotunno, M. Shapiro, R. Smith, and A. Thorpe, 1995: Report of the First Prospectus Development Team of the U.S. Weather Research Program to NOAA and the NSF. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 76, 1194-1208.
Betts, A. K., 1995: A lagged mixing parameterization for the dry convective boundary layer. Mon. Wea. Rev., 123, 1912-1915.
Betts, A. K., 1994: Relation between equilibrium evaporation and the saturation pressure budget. Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 71, 235-245.
Slingo, J., M. Blackburn, A. Betts, R. Brugge, B. Hoskins, M. Miller, L.Steenman-Clark, and J. Thuburn, 1994: Mean Climate and Transience in the Tropics of the UGAMP GCM. Part I: Sensitivity to Convective parametrization. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 120, 861-880.
Betts, A.K. and J.H. Ball, 1994: Budget analysis of FIFE-1987 sonde data. J. Geophys. Res., 99, 3655-3666.
Betts, A.K. and M.J. Miller, 1993. The Betts-Miller scheme. Chapter 9 in "The Representation of Cumulus Convection in Numerical Models of the Atmosphere". (Eds. K.A. Emanuel and D.J. Raymond.) Amer. Meteor. Soc., Meteor. Mon. 24, No 46, 107-121.
Betts, A.K. and A. Beljaars, 1993: Estimation of effective roughness length for heat and momentum from FIFE data. Atmos. Res. 30, 251-261.
Betts, A.K., J.H. Ball, and A.C.M. Beljaars, 1993: Comparison between the land surface response of the European Centre model and the FIFE-1987 data. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 119, 975-1001.
Betts, A.K., 1993: Mixing line parameterizations for cloudy boundary layers. ECMWF/GCSS Workshop on the parameterization of cloud topped BL's, June 8-11, 1993.
Beljaars, A. C. M. and A. K. Betts, 1992: Validation of the boundary layer representation in the ECMWF model. ECMWF Semina proceedings, 7-11 Sept. 1992, Validation of models over Europe, Vol II, 159-195.
Betts, A.K., and R. Boers, 1990: A cloudiness transition in a marine boundary layer. J. Atmos. Sci., 47, 1480-1497.
- 1980's
Betts, A.K. and W. L. Ridgway, 1989: Climatic equilibrium of the atmospheric convective boundary layer over a tropical ocean. J. Atmos. Sci., 46, 2621-2641.
Betts, A. K., and Harshvardhan, 1987: Thermodynamic constraint on the cloud liquid water feedback in climate models. J. Geophys. Res., 92, 8483-8485.
Betts, A. K., 1986: A new convective adjustment scheme. Part I: Observational and theoretical basis. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 112, 677 692.
Betts, A. K. and M. J. Miller, 1986: A new convective adjustment scheme. Part II: Single column tests using GATE wave, BOMEX, ATEX, and Arctic Airmass data sets. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 112, 693 -710.
Betts, A. K., 1985: Mixing line analysis of clouds and cloudy boundary layers. J. Atmos. Sci., 42, 2751 2763.
Betts, A K, 1985: A new convective adjustment scheme. NAS-NRC Proceedings of the First National Workshop on the Global Weather Experiment, Vol. 2, Pt. 2 p 706-724 (SEE N86-24142 14-47); UNITED STATES.
Betts, A. K. and M. J. Miller, 1984: A new convective adjustment scheme, Pts. I and II. ECMWF Tech. Rep. No. 43. ECMWF, Reading, RG2 9AX, England, 68 pp.
Betts, A. K., 1983: Atmospheric convective structure and a convection scheme based on saturation point methods. ECMWF Workshop on “Convection in large-scale numerical models” 28 Nov.-1 Dec, 1983, Reading U. K., pp.69-94.
Betts, A. K., 1982: Cloud Thermodynamic Models in Saturation Point Coordinates. J. Atmos. Sci., 39, 2182- 2191.
Houze, R. A., and A. K.Betts, 1981: Convection in GATE. Rev. Geophys. and Space Phys., 19, 541-576.
Houze, R. A., and A. K. Betts, 1980: Clouds, Convection and Convective Models. WMO Monograph: Synthesis GATE Scientific Results, Kiev, 1980.
- 1970's
Betts, A. K., K. Fraedrich, M. Miller, M. Moncrieff, R. Pearce and P. Rowntree, 1976: Parameterization of Shallow and Deep Convection. Section 3 of Report of Study Conference on the Development of Numerical Models for the Tropics. Exeter, 4-10 April, 1976, GARP Report No. 13, WMO, C.P. No.5, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland.
Rodenhuis, D. R., and A. K. Betts, 1974: The Convection Subprogram for GATE, W.M.O. GATE Report No. 7.
Betts, A. K., 1974: Thermodynamic Classification of Tropical Convective Soundings. Mon. Wea. Rev., 102, pp.760-764.
Garstang, M., and A. K. Betts, 1974: A Review of the Tropical Boundary Layer and Cumulus Convection: Structure, Parameterization, and Modelling. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 55, pp. 1195-1205.
Betts, A. K., 1974: Reply to comments on "Non-Precipitating Cumulus Convection and its Parameterization." Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 100, pp. 469-471.
Betts, A. K., 1974: The Scientific Basis and Objectives of the U.S. Convection Subprogram for the GATE. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 55, pp. 304-313.
Moore, D.A. and A. K. Betts, 1974: Diagnostic Tests of Models for the Thermal Structure of the Non-precipitating Convective Boundary Layer. Atmos. Sci. Paper No. 217, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO 80521. 70pp
Betts, A. K., 1973: Draft of the Convection Subprogram for the GATE. Prepared for the International Scientific Management Group for the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment, 88 pp.
Betts, A. K., 1973: A Composite Mesoscale Cumulonimbus Budget. J. Atmos. Sci., 30, pp. 597-610.
Betts, A. K., 1973: Non-Precipitating Convection and Its Parameterization. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 99, 178-196.
Betts, A. K. (1970): Cumulus Convection. Ph.D. Thesis, University of London, 151 pp. Available from
Recent Research Talks
Selected research talks (pdfs)
- 2022-04-27Climate Crisis is Here: Why can’t society deal with it? How can we deal with it? (Global Strategic Forum - Earth Science)
- 2021-02-08Climate Crisis is Here. How do we plan creatively? (UVM)
- 2020-05-20NASA PBL Workshop Talk
- 2020-02-03Climate catastrophe ahead: How do we plan creatively? (UVM)
- 2019-11-20Climate Catastrophe ahead - how do we deal with it? (Keene State)
- 2019-06-19Climate Change and Society (HS teams)
- 2019-05-29Global and Local Climate and our Future (BREE interns)
- 2018-12-10Climate Advisor to Vermont (AGU poster)
- 2018-11-13Climate Change and Vermont (BREE semina)
- 2018-06-20Global and Local Climate and our Future: BREE High School briefing
- 2018-05-30Global and Local Climate and our future: BREE intern orientation
- 2018-05-09The GEWEX Challenge (2018 GEWEX Open Science Conf., Canmore, Alberta, Canada)
- 2018-03-09Extreme Weather and Climate Change (NE Storm Conf., Saratoga)
- 2018-01-30Climate Change and Community Resilience (UVM class: Asim Zia)
- 2017-10-24Land ABL: Observations and Models (NAS BL Workshop)
- 2017-10-05The Climate Challenge Deepens (Lyndon State College)
- 2017-09-19The Climate Challenge Deepens (Mount Holyoke College)
- 2017-09-15Climate Challenge Deepens (Castleton Univ.)
- 2017-07-25Seasonal analysis of near-surface biases in ERA-Interim (ECMWF)
- 2017-06-21Global and local climate and our future (BREE High School teams)
- 2017-06-01Global and local climate and our future (BREE interns)
- 2017-04-24Hydroclimatology: an integrated view (Boston Univ.)
- 2017-04-06Hydroclimatology: an integrated view (Texas A&M)
- 2016-12-14Using cloud and climate data to understand warm season hydrometeorology from diurnal to monthly timescales (AGU 2016)
- 2016-12-14Interweaving Climate Research and Public Understanding (AGU - Bert Bolin Talk)
- 2016-12-14Addressing Vermont’s concerns on climate change (AGU poster: Road Maps to Successfully Sharing Science)
- 2016-10-06Impacts on Numerical Weather Prediction and Climate Modeling - FIFE and BOREAS (NASA)
- 2016-09-08Global and Local Climate Change: a Complex Challenge (UVM-HCOL 185)
- 2016-07-11Revisiting hydrometeorology using cloud and climate observations (ECMWF)
- 2016-06-22Climate Change: how it is affecting us? (RACC HS groups at SMC)
- 2016-06-03Reinventing Hydrometeorology using Cloud and Climate Observations (Eric Wood Symposium: Princeton)
- 2016-05-26Global and Local Climate and our Future (RACC interns)
- 2016-04-04Land-surface-snow-cloud climate coupling (Texas A&M)
- 2016-03-07Land-surface-snow-cloud climate coupling (41st STORM, Saratoga, NY)
- 2015-10-21Addressing Current Environmental Challenges (Johnson State)
- 2015-06-29Land-cloud-climate coupling on the Canadian Prairies (Valsavarenche, Italy)
- 2015-06-29Land-Atmosphere Coupling in Observations and Models - review (Valsavarenche, Italy)
- 2015-05-06Land-cloud-climate Coupling on the Canadian Prairies (CGU/AGU Montreal)
- 2015-03-23Understanding Daily Climate at Northern Latitudes (Lyndon State)
- 2014-12-15Landscape Coupling Between Climate, Clouds, Precipitation, Snow, Crops and the Surface Radiation Budget (AGU-2)
- 2014-12-15Understanding Land-atmosphere Coupling in the Warm Season (AGU-1)
- 2014-11-07Understanding Land-Atmosphere Coupling (George Mason Univ)
- 2014-10-21Understanding Land-Atmosphere Coupling (Harvard)
- 2014-09-27Understanding Land-Atmosphere Coupling (SUNY-Plattsburgh))
- 2014-07-30Understanding Land-Atmosphere Coupling (ECMWF)
- 2014-06-24Dealing with Climate Change (HS teams-SMC)
- 2014-04-08Coupling Climate to Clouds, Land-use, Precipitation and Snow (UT, Austin, TX)
- 2014-03-08Coupling Climate to Clouds, Precipitation and Snow (STORM, Rutland)
- 2014-02-12Coupling Climate to Clouds, Land-use, Precipitation and Snow (Lorenz Center Workshop, MIT)
- 2014-01-27Coupling of Diurnal Climate to Clouds, Land-use and Snow (LSC)
- 2013-12-06Coupling of Diurnal Climate to Clouds, Land-use and Snow (LSM, COLA)
- 2013-12-03Vermont's Changing Climate (Foresters, VTC)
- 2013-11-11Coupling of Diurnal Climate to Clouds, Land-use and Snow (Madison, TAMU, UA)
- 2013-10-17What Climate Change means for New England (NE Epi)
- 2013-09-25Climate Change and Vermont (VCA-UVM)
- 2013-09-18Climate Change - an Overview (Zia - Sustainable Development Policy)
- 2013-06-24Climate Change and Vermont: an Overview (RACC HS training - June 24, 2013)
- 2013-05-16Understanding and Facing Climate Extremes (24th Annual NPS Conference)
- 2013-01-31Breaking News in Climate Change (NESAF, Saratoga, NY)
- 2012-11-13Using Data, Models and Physics to Plan: Knowns and Unknowns (RACC, Burlington, VT: with VIDEO)
- 2012-10-01Climate Change in the Northeast (SUNY, Albany, NY)
- 2012-09-11Vermont: Historic and future climate change (GMNF, Wallingford, VT)
- 2012-08-23Land-surface-BL-cloud coupling & the diurnal cycle (FASTER-GISS, NYC)
- 2012-07-09Historic Trends & Future Climatic Projections for VT (Statehouse, Montpelier, VT)
- 2012-06-29Environmental Stewardship and Climate datasets (EPSCoR-RACC-HS program)
- 2012-06-26Vermont's Climate and Climate Change (EPSCoR-RACC-HS program)
- 2012-05-29Land-surface-atmosphere-climate coupling: Ray Desjardins Session, AMS Boston, May 29, 2012
- 2012-03-19Climate Change and New England (MIT)
- 2012-03-07Climate Change and New England (RSMAS, Miami)
- 2012-03-07Betts Research: 1969-1989: the inside story (RSMAS)
- 2012-03-05Land-surface-atmosphere interactions: Lessons learned and outstanding challlenges (RSMAS)
- 2012-01-19Climate Change and Vermont (UVM-Wemple)
- 2011-12-08Understanding Climate Change in Vermont (NWS-BTV)
- 2011-06-24Climate Change and Environmental Issues in the Media: a Vermont Strategy (AESS, Burlington, VT)
- 2011-06-24Vermont Climate Change Indicators (AESS, Burlington, VT)
- 2011-04-18Hydroclimate Issues: Water, Energy and Carbon (TRACE Workshop, Silver Spring, MD)
- 2011-03-10Communicating Climate Science (VT WX & Climate, Burlington, VT)
- 2011-01-27Vermont Climate Change Indicators (AMS, Seattle, WA)
- 2011-01-24Seasonal Climate Transitions in New England (AMS, Seattle, WA)
- 2011-01-06Convection according to Betts and Miller (ECMWF Martin Miller Symposium, Reading, UK)
- 2010-12-14Coupling of the surface energy balance, clouds and their diabatic forcings (A21I, Fall AGU, San Francisco, CA)
- 2010-12-13Understanding the surface and BL coupling of water, CO2 and clouds (A12B, Fall AGU, San Francisco, CA)
- 2010-08-05Surface-atmosphere interactions (Howard-Beltsville, MD)
- 2010-08-04Explaining climate change (NASA-GSFC & Howard-Beltsville, MD)
- 2010-05-27Land-surface-atmosphere coupling (Split Workshop, Croatia)
- 2010-04-28Land-surface-atmosphere coupling (Penn State Univ., College Park, PA)
- 2010-01-19Land-surface-BL-cloud coupling as climate changes (AMS-Atlanta)
- 2009-06-04Land-atmosphere interactions and water balances for major basins of the Americas (San Juan, PR)
- 2009-03-10Ecosystem change and land-surface-cloud coupling (Climate Change Congress, Copenhagen)
- 2009-01-14Comparison of ERA-Interim and ERA-40 reanalyses with observations over river basins (AMS-Phoenix, AZ)
- 2009-01-14Diagnostic evaluation of the ECMWF model using observations (AMS-Phoenix, AZ: Tony Hollingsworth Symposium)
- 2008-11-18Progress in understanding land-surface-atmosphere coupling over the Amazon (Manaus, Brazil)
- 2008-11-12Global Climate Change (Campinas, Brazil)
- 2008-01-23Comparison of MERRA with ERA-40 on river basin scales (AMS-New Orleans)
- 2007-01-17Coupling of clouds, precipitation, land-surface processes in the climate over land (AMS, San Antonio, TX)
- 2006-04-11Radiative control on the diurnal temperature range and the nocturnal boundary layer (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland)
- 2006-01-31Assessing the land-surface, boundary layer and cloud field coupling in ERA-40 (AMS, Atlanta, GA)
- 2005-10-09Boundary layer equilibrium over tropical oceans (Lyndon State, VT)
- 2005-09-15Boundary layer land surface as a coupled system (GLASS/GABLS, De Bilt, The Netherlands)
- 2005-06-14Land-surface-BL-cloud coupling (Lake Arrowhead, CA)
- 2005-02-25How can flux-tower nets improve weather forecast and climate models? (FLUXNET-CA, Quebec City)
- 2004-11-09Land-surface, boundary layer and cloud-field coupling over the Amazon in ERA-40 (ECMWF/ELDAS, Reading, UK)
- 2004-09-27Impact of agriculture, forest and cloud feedback on the surface energy balance in BOREAS (Ottawa, Canada)
- 2004-07-12Hydrologic cycles over Land (Woods Hole, MA)
- 2004-06-09Diurnal Cycle over Land (NCAR, Boulder, CO)
- 2004-06-08Boundary layer equilibrium – oceans and land (NCAR, Boulder, CO)
- 2004-06-08River basin budgets from ERA40 (NCAR, Boulder, CO)
- 2004-06-07Understanding Hydrometeorology using global models (NCAR, Boulder, CO)
- 2004-05-09Climate Change and Society: a Scientist’s Perspective (USP, Brazil)
- 2004-05-07The Parameterization of Deep Convection and the Betts-Miller scheme (CPTEC, Brazil)
- 2004-01-14Understanding Hydrometeorology using global models (AMS Horton lecture, Seattle, WA)
- 2002-05-23Role of Moist convection in the Amazon Basin (LBA-SSC, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil)
- 1999-01-11TROPICAL CONVECTION: 25 years after GATE (AMS, Long Beach, CA)